Our amazing partners held fantastic in-person events , celebrating civic engagement and lifting up the voices of young people across the state!
Make A Difference Youth Summit
High school students in Allegany County Public Schools in western Maryland gathered on Allegany College of Maryland’s campus to celebrate service-learning & civic engagement!
Friday, April 29th.
Youth in the Civic Square:
Local and Global Perspectives on Teen Civic Empowerment
Dr. Jan Eichorn, Senior Lecturer in Social Policy at the University of Edinburgh, and one of the world’s pre-eminent scholars on youth political participation, spoke to high schools students and the UMD community.
Friday, April 29th
PACE Showcase of Campus and Community Engagement
Hosted by the Center for Public Affairs & Civic Engagement, students, faculty, and staff gathered with numerous community partners at Salisbury University to celebrate & build partnerships across the Eastern Shore and explore how civic engagement grounds and enhances our work.
Thursday, April 28th